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«Treasure island»

«Treasure island»

«Treasure island»

(The best stories for reading)

O'qish uchun eng sara hikoyalar turkumidan yozuvchi Robert Luis Stevensonning jahonga mashhur «Xazinalar oroli» kitobi ingliz tilida.

This book is intended for home reading for senior school pupils, collages, lyceums and person who are interested in English. The book contains new words with definition as a game, questions and tests with keys.


Author: Robert Louis Stevenson

Name: «Treasure island»

Publisher: «Ilm-Ziyo-Zakovat» publishing house

Date: 2016

Volume:  124 pages

ISBN: 978-9943-4616-9-7

Size: 84x108 1/32

Cover: Soft



The old pirate at the Admiral benbow

Black dog appears and disappears

The black spot

The sea-chest

The last of the blind man

The captain's papers

I go to Bristol

At the sign of the spyglass

Powder and arms

The voyage

What I heard in the apple barrel

A council of war

How I began my shore adventure

The man of the island

Dr. Livesey's story

The attack

My sea adventure

I lower the jolly roger

In the enemy camp

The black spot again

Word of honour

The treasure hunt

The fall of the captain

And last


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«Treasure island»
8 000 сўм
  • Stock: йўқ
  • Код: 0964
  • Вазни: 0.11кг
  • ISBN: 9789943461697
Сотилган сони: 4
Кўрилган сони: 23922
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