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«The lost world»

«The lost world»

«The lost world»

(The best stories for reading)

O'qish uchun eng sara hikoyalar turkumidan yozuvchi Artur Konan Doylning jahonga mashhur «Yo'qolgan dunyo» kitobi ingliz tilida.

This book is intended for home reading for senior school pupils, collages, lyceums and person who are interested in English. The book contains new words with definition as a game, questions and tests with keys.


Author: Arthur Conan Doyle

Name: «The lost world»

Publisher: «Ilm-Ziyo-Zakovat» publishing house

Date: 2016

Volume:  112 pages

ISBN: 978-9943-4616-1-1

Size: 84x108 1/32

Cover: Soft



Try your luck with professor Challenger

It's just the very biggest thing in the world

We disappear into the Unknown

Who could have foreseen it?

The most wonderful things have happened

For once i was the hero

It was dreadful in the forest

I shall never forget it

Those were the great Victories


A Procession! A Procession! 



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«The lost world»
8 000 сўм
  • Stock: йўқ
  • Код: 0963
  • Вазни: 0.11кг
  • ISBN: 9789943461611
Сотилган сони: 5
Кўрилган сони: 23875
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