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«Muzqaymoq» (Ice-Cream)

«Muzqaymoq» (Ice-Cream)
«Muzqaymoq» (Ice-Cream)
«Muzqaymoq» (Ice-Cream)
«Muzqaymoq» (Ice-Cream)
«Muzqaymoq» (Ice-Cream)
«Muzqaymoq» (Ice-Cream)

«Muzqaymoq» (Ice-Cream)
Bolalar uchun o'zbekcha-inglizcha tarbiyaviy hikoya

   Ushbu kitobchada "Husayn boboning saboqlari" nomli turkum hikoyalarning ilk qismi – “Muzqaymoq” hikoyasi eʼtiboringizga havola qilinmoqda. Unda Husayn bobo va nabirasi Salim o‘rtasida yuz bergan qisqa bir voqea hikoya qilinadi. Bu jarayondagi voqealar, suhbatlar bolalar uchun muhim tarbiyaviy va maʼrifiy ahamiyatga ega.

    Shu bilan birga, bolajonlar til o‘rganishida vosita bo‘lsin deya, hikoya o‘zbek va ingliz tillarida berildi. Har bir betda mavzuga mos rasmlar va matnga oid lug‘atlarning berilishi bolalar uchun yana-da foydali va qiziqarli bo‘ladi degan umiddamiz.

 G`iyosiddin Yusuf
Nomi: «Muzqaymoq» (Ice-Cream)
Nashriyot: «G'afur G'ulom» NMIU
Sana: 2020-yil
Hajmi: 32 bet
O‘lchami: 84x108 1/32
ISBN: 978-9943-6451-1-0
Muqovasi: yumshoq

    This booklet introduces the first part of the series, "The Lessons of Hussein Bobo" - "Ice-cream" story. It is a brief story between Hussein Bobo and his grandson Salim. In this story events and conversations are focused on the importance of educational implications for children.
    At the same time, it is presented in two languages: Uzbek and English in order to help children to learn languages. We hope that giving pictures and textual dictionaries appropriate to the subject on each page will make them more useful and fun for children.

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«Muzqaymoq» (Ice-Cream)
6 000 сўм
  • Stock: Мавжуд
  • Код: 2364
  • Вазни: 0.04кг
  • ISBN: 97899436451
Сотилган сони: 103
Кўрилган сони: 16473
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